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Early History of Lakewood Council No. 125 R. & S. M.
by William C. Ulrich, P. I. M.

The institution of Freemasonry is universal.  It stretches from East to West, from North to South, and embraces within itself the representatives of every branch of the human family.  Masonry stands for the great principle which is to make life tolerable and society possible . . .

We are animated by the one purpose--the upbuilding of man and to spread the gospel of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.  We believe in establishing these principles wherever we go and applying in our every day life those great principles taught us as Masons.

On October 25, 1920, a meeting was called to discuss the formation of a Council in Lakewood, or, at least, to consider the advisability of such a project.  The main desire in mind was to further spread the beautiful lessons of Cryptic Masonry in Lakewood and making it possible to confer the entire York Rite in Lakewood Temple.

Illustrious Companion Frank H. Snyder, Past Master of Canton Council No. 35, in 1919, was elected as the first Thrice Illustrious Master.  Companion Wm. F. Rupprich was elected as the first Deputy Ill. Master and Companion D. A. Williams was elected as first Principal Conductor of the work.  It was decided that meetings were to be held on the first Tuesday of the month and that the Council be named Lakewood Council.

Two months later the by-laws were approved at a special meeting, a petition praying for a dispensation to open and hold a Council of Royal and Select Masters in this city was signed by thirteen Companions, to wit:  Companion F. H. Snyder, W. F. Rupprich, D. A. Williams, C. G. White, F. E. Barber, F. P. Lamb, E. A. Pusch, F. S. Freer, R. H. Domer, J. Hogue, D. A. Pomeroy, M. G. Monroe, and C. T. Cook.  The dispensation was issued on January 28, 1921, by Most Illustrious Companion Lewis B. Shaw, Grand Master of the State of Ohio.

On February 1, 1921, R. Ill. Companion T. S. O'Hara, Grand Recorder, acting as Most Ill. Grand Master, proceeded to Lakewood and opened a special emergent assembly of the Grand Council of Ohio, in which Lakewood Council was duly organized under dispensation, with the following named officers:

Ill. Comp. F. H. Snyder    Thrice Illustrious Master
Comp. W. F. Rapprich    Deputy Ill. Master
Comp. D. A. Williams    Principal Conductor of the Work
Comp. F. E. Barber    Treasurer
Comp. F. P. Lamb    Recorder
Comp. F. S. Freer    Captain of the Guard
Comp. C. G. White    Conductor of Council
Comp. E. A. Pusch    Steward
Comp. C. T. Cook Sentinel

On March 1, 1921, a class of 62 candidates witnessed the first degree work of the Council.

On May 3, 1921, a class of 23 candidates raised number to 85 for the first Council year which ended May 31, 1921.

On June 7, 1921, more candidates were admitted at an afternoon assembly, followed by the Super Excellent degree which was staged through the courtesy of the members of Elyria Council No. 86.

On August 2, and September 6, 1921, the membership was raised to 122, the names of whom are found on the charter of the Council.

On October 4, 1921, Comp. F. H. Snyder, J. E. Townsend, D. A. Williams and F. P. Lamb attended the Ninety-second Annual Assembly of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters at Dayton, O., and presented the books of the Council to the committee on Charters and Dispensation, who straight-forwardly recommended that a charter be granted.

On November 1, 1921, Most Ill. Comp. C. L. Smith, Grand Master of the State of Ohio proceeded to Lakewood and opened the Grand Council of Ohio in a special emergent assembly for the purpose of constituting and dedicating Lakewood Council No. 125, R. & S. M. of the State of Ohio.  Most Ill. Comp. C. L. Smith greatly appreciated the honor of being elected with Most Ill. Comp. Wm. T. S. O'Hara, R. A. Armstrong and H. E. Faubel as honorary members of Lakewood Council.

The same officers who served the Council under dispensation were elected to serve another year.  Owing to sickness, business and other causes, all but one of the officers found it necessary to resign and at the election in November, 1922, the following were installed:

J. E. Townsend    Thrice Illustrious Master
C. G. White    Deputy Illustrious Master
Wm. C. Ulrich    Principal Conductor of the Work
F. E. Barber    Treasurer
F. P. Lamb    Recorder
C. L. Swearington    Captain of the Guard
H. C. Livingstone    Conductor of Council
B. B. Crosby    Steward

In 1922 the Council gained 56 members.

In 1923 the Council gained 17 members.

In 1924 the Council gained 36 members.

In 1925 the Council gained 23 members.

On January 20, 1925, under the direction of Ill. Comp. Wm. C. Ulrich, Lakewood Council presented the first exemplification of the Super Excellent degree by its own members.  This event passed into history as one of the most important events in the history of Lakewood Temple.  They were honored by the presence of Most Illustrious Comp. Camillus O. Sheppard and Ill. Comp. Roy S. Rogers, the Grand Master and the Conductor of Council of the Grand Council of the State of Ohio, which has the largest jurisdiction of Cryptic Masonry in the whole world and with the exception of Texas has over twice the membership of any other state in this country.

Masonry, however, never needed members to justify its existence.  An institution that thru the succeeding generations has gathered unto itself the best and highest talents of the greatest men is its own justification and an answer to all attacks upon it.

See also:
Charter Members of Lakewood Council #125

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Page Last Updated 20 January 2019